higher education
science and labs
higher education
science and labs
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technologies at work
in each industry
Predictive Analytics
Machine Learning
Augmented Reality
Smart Campus
Distance Learning
Student Lifecycle CRM
Smart Home
5G & WIFI-6
Serverless Computing
Autonomous Vehicles
A.I. Traffic Control
Smart City
Cashierless Retail
Small Cell Wireless Service
Smart Metering
Biosensors & Tracking
VR/AR Medical Assistance
Biosensors & Tracking, mHealth, and VR/AR Medical Assistance are all transforming healthcare.
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Distance learning, smart campus, virtual reality, and student lifecycle CRM are among many emerging technologies affecting higher education.
Higher Education
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Augmented reality, machine learning, and predictive analytics will have notable impact on the future of research.
Science & Laboratories
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5G & WIFI-6, serverless/remote computing, and the proliferation of smart home devices are rapidly advancing
the world of technology.
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AI traffic control, autonomous vehicles, and the development of smart city strategies will drive our transportation needs over the next 100 years.
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Cashierless retail, small cell wireless, and smart metering are disrupting everything from retail to utilities in the civic world.
Back to Edge Systems
We carry shopping malls in our pockets. We have the electric company dial back power to our home while we’re at work. A swipe and click mentality is engrained in our culture. The ability to do anything, anywhere is creating unprecedented authentication, financial, and speed requirements. To appease our insatiable appetite for a pizza on UberEats, we’ll need edge data centers to receive, verify, and complete the order.
As a result, the reliance on computer-controlled traffic signals, autonomous public and private vehicles, and EV charging stations will require a massive network to provide the processing needs to maintain and hand off data. In all likelihood, the roads and railways we currently use today will also become the neural network for the data needed to control them. The horizon for this type of edge application is only now emerging.
With over 20 billion IoT devices in service today and network capabilities increasing our throughput speeds, our creation, consumption, processing, and transferring needs are growing as well. The points at which data are collected and processed need to be as close to the device as possible to limit network traffic. This drives edge compute, storage, and transfer needs.
Research discovery will become more encompassing and complex and there will be a greater need for collaboration of diverse teams from around the globe. The large data sets and complex analytics required to get meaningful solutions will significantly influence the need for edge computing systems that cut down distance and speed up processing.
The way students learn and professors teach is increasingly being spread outside of the central campus and in non-traditional environments such as maker spaces. As more learning is developed and consumed online and with emerging technologies, the curricula, student work, administrative, and financial impacts of these changes must be captured and processed. This drives security, processing, and data storage out to the edge and beyond.
Personal and medical data are being generated at a greater rate — everywhere from wearable tech to your smartphone. This medical information and patient data drives the need for greater security, capacity, and analytics to sort out the importance of the data being generated. This is driving the need for edge capabilities to pick up this information and process it from the most remote locations.